Coming up with rationales for some of these TPACK sets was difficult as many do not relate in any way to the content that I teach. Some of the sets were a stretch anyway, but that's what makes the TPACK game interesting. It gets you to think outside the box just a little bit! How would you have connected the content, pedagogy, and technology for each set? What lessons would you have come up with?
Content: Shakespeare Play
Pedagogy: Compare and Contrast
Technology: Excel
With this set, I could assign different Shakespeare plays to small groups of students to read. They could discuss their play with a student group that read a different play and work as a larger group to compare and contrast the two plays. I would have them compile the information they generated from the discussion in an excel spreadsheet. I could also assign different plays to different classes and use GoogleSheets to accomplish a similar outcome without the face-to-face discussion. They could discuss using the chat feature in Sheets.
Content: Social Skills
Pedagogy: Discuss
Technology: Web-based Activity
Students could do a web-walkthrough of a social story individually. We would then discuss the experiences they had with the walkthrough and identify why they experienced certain outcomes and how they could have made different choices in the social story to achieve different (and possibly more-desired) outcomes.
Content: Argument Writing
Pedagogy: Engage in Data-based Inquiry
Technology: Office 365
I would assign a topic and have students randomly assigned to a side, similar to a blind debate. Students would use data-based inquiry to research their side of the argument and use Word from Office 365 to write their argument.
Content: Writing a Script
Pedagogy: Modeling
Technology: OneNote
This one would be fairly straightforward. I would model how to set up and write a script using OneNote. Students would then work on building their own script in the program. OneNote allows for flexibility of placement of text and images so students could adjust the layout to fit their writing style.
Now, for one that actually applies! I created an entire TPACK lesson for this set!!
Content: Note Reading Skills
Pedagogy: Modeling
Technology: Video Recorder
Title: Behind the Music: Recorder Style
Summary: Students will practice note reading skills on the recorder and use video recording to self-assess progress.
Primary Core Goals/Outcomes:
MU:Pr4.2.5a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for performance.
MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.
MU:Pr5.1.5a Apply teacher-provided and established criteria and feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness of ensemble and personal performances.
MU:Pr5.1.5b Rehearse to refine technical accuracy and expressive qualities to address challenges, and show improvement over time.
MU:Pr6.1.5a Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
MU:Re9.1.5a Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to perform a piece of music on recorder by reading from standard notation.
Students will be able to self-assess their own performance from a video recording and use that assessment to make a practice plan for improvement.
Students will be able to make a video recording presentation of their best performance attempt on the piece of music.
Pedagogical Decisions:
The interactions in the lesson will be mostly student-centered. The initial introduction of the material will be modeled by the teacher, but the students will practice, video record, self-assess, and repeat the process with guidance from the teacher when necessary rather than direct instruction.
The learning will be hands-on because music is learned best in this manner. Students will develop similar understandings as all will be working towards their best performance using guidelines we have established prior to determine what makes a good musical performance.
Students will be drawing on prior experiences and knowledge of what makes a good musical performance as well as prior experiences playing the recorder.
The surface knowledge of what makes a good performance was taught prior. This series of lessons will focus on creating a deeper understanding of what makes a good musical performance as well as a deeper understanding of the mechanics of note reading and recorder playing.
This series of lessons will be completed in the classroom and will occur over a longer period of time to give students time to analyze and reflect on their performances as well as practice and improve based on the analysis and reflection.
The learning will be less structured as the students are all at different levels and have different needs in order to practice and improve their performance skills.
The activity will be primarily individual, but will allow for small group work if they choose to work together and analyse each other’s performances to help each other improve.
The school iPad cart will be required in order to create a video recording of the students’ performances.
TPACK Activity Types:
Play with a steady beat
Play with appropriate posture and technical skills
Play individually
Play with technical accuracy
Listen to/view instrumental models
Read standard notation while singing/playing
Listen and reflect
Develop criteria for evaluating a musical performance, improvisation, composition, or arrangement
Critique a musical performance, improvisation, composition, or arrangement
Provide constructive suggestions for improvement of a musical performance, improvisation, composition, or arrangement
Assessment Plan:
Students will self-assess their video recording of their performance using a rubric for good musical performance. (informal)
Teacher will assess the best video recording the student submits for their final performance using the same rubric for good musical performance. (formal)
Teacher will visually and aurally monitor progress as students practice and address any problems that arise. (informal)
Used by the Teacher:
Copies of reocrder songs
Rubric for assessment
Used by the Students:
Instructional Procedures:
Introductory Lesson
Next Step:
Students select one of the pieces to practice and perform.
Students spend the first half of the class time practicing the piece individually, asking for help (if needed) from peers or teacher.
Students take turns going into the hall to record themselves performing the piece using the video recorder on the iPad.
If there is time, students may use headphones to view their performance and complete a rubric for self-assessment.
If there is no time remaining, this can be completed the next class period.
After self-assessment, students talk with the teacher to create a practice plan for improving their performance.
Final Step:
Active Adaptation
- Students are independently using the technology (iPad) in a conventional way but the tool (iPad video) was chosen by the teacher.