What better excuse to break down and get a new camera than new babies and a class about photography?! We settled on a nice DSLR, but a brand new camera with lots of functions is overwhelming! One of the greatest challenges from this assignment was figuring out the camera. Sure, I could simply point and shoot, but I didn’t want the same type of pictures I could capture on my iPhone!
Since the camera didn’t arrive until the middle of the week, I spent the first part of the week choosing the words I thought described me and brainstorming ways to stage those words in a photograph. Not an easy task! I would come up with neat photo ideas for words that I thought described me well only to find out the word wasn’t on the list of options. There were a lot of similar words, and I wish that some of those had been eliminated and a wider variety of choices included.
Once I had my pictures I hit the “now what” point. I’d only edited pictures through basic apps on my phone that allow you to change the filter or add words. My DSLR pictures deserved better! I dived head first into playing with Adobe Photoshop. My pictures will never be the same! There are so many ways to edit and tweak pictures in those programs! I really like the simplicity of the express version for the iPad because it makes the process a bit less overwhelming for a beginner than the full computer version.
I wish that the description for this course had conveyed the emphasis on photography so that I could have gotten the camera and Photoshop sooner. With more time to play with both my pictures could have been even better!